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Verbal Abuse: Is It Acceptable?

Verbal abuse of any kind shouldn't be tolerated. Unless, you're fighting back. Sometimes you need to come down to someone's level; even though it's against your moral beliefs if you call it, and give them a taste of their own medicine. It's happened to me and my mom on numerous occasions.

It can leave scars; though not physical ones, but deep emotional ones resulting in a person's insecurities and sometimes, extremely severe, causing them to commit suicide or harmful actions toward others.

No! It's not acceptable!

I was married to my first husband for 18 years and put up with laods of verbal abuse and degrading remarks; not only from him, but, from his mother as well. He told me and made me believe that I was fat, ugly and that no one would ever love me. I became withdrawn and insecure and for years, I endured the constant degradation over and over again. Well, after 18 years, I had enough, woke and smelled the coffee. I didn't want to live like that anymore and I didn't love him the way a wife should love her husband. And neither did he. Well, months later, I met my second husband; the father of my daughter. Sadly, he passed away in 1998 but he too had issues but not verbal. His, was unfortunately, physical.

It's strange how uknowingly we always find ourselves in situations where we keep choosing the wrong people in our life. They hide their addictions and behavioral problems very well.

So what's a person to do? Well for me, I stayed single all these years just raising my daughter to be the fine young woman she is today....without any interference from anyone telling me what to do, or not to do. I've had the freedom to come and go as I please and enjoy my life, and it took me at least 10 years to finally like myself and have confidence; and that I am worthy of being loved.

So if anyone now, tries to talk down to me or put me down, I give it right back and tell them to f*** off! If they don't like what they see or hear, don't look or listen! It's as simple as that!

Here's a picture of my daughter and I:

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