Jobs: Experience vs No Experience

To all potential employers out there. Which is it? Experience or no experience?
I myself, have been trying to seek employment now for 5 years, once I turned 18 years old and finished my schooling. And now, 5 years later, I'm still seeking a job. Part time or full time employment, doesn't matter. Employers today don't hand out paper applications anymore because they're all obsolete due to the internet.
"Apply online." they say.
Right. Sure. Believe me, they hardly read them.
Alot of the positions listed or offered, actually require NO experience and will offer on the spot job training, teaching you their way of doing things. Great. That's expected and that's fine. But, they never call back! Why is that? On very few occasions and believe me, very few if not none, they send a confirmation email with guess what....
"We're sorry, but we're unable to offer you the position you applied for. You don't have the experience qualified for this position. Please feel free to apply in the future."
Say what!? Wait a minute. The position listed "NO EXPERIENCE, WILL TRAIN" and now that email? Oh, come on. Bunch of liars getting everyone's hopes up! What's the matter with you!? They just want to see how many desperate applicants respond to their add or listing. That's all!
Oh, well. So we try again somewhere else, just to have the process repeat itself. Did I mention how extremely frustrating it is? I know when I recieve that email, sometimes I sit there cursing out my computer. So maybe that's why it glitches :)
Now....there's the other problem. Having TOO MUCH experience. My mom, for example. She tells me that years ago upon having 10 years experience as a Housekeeper, plus Security officer training, was actually told she was, get this....OVER qualified, and didn't understand why she was seeking employment with less pay.
Hello!? She was a single parent and at the time, she was trying to support a child (that's me), having been recently widowed. She didn't care about the pay so what was she told? The same old bull crap.
"Don't call us. We'll call you, if interested."
I mean, come on....WTF is up with that!?
Employers should be honored that a person has applied to their company with some experience; because at least they wouldn't have to train them completely.
Now, let's get onto the education part of it all.
All these poor college students....they really get the kick in the ass. They go and qualify for student loans just to take courses to advance their education for today's jobs. Some take years to graduate with the promise of employment afterwards only to find that with all that time and effort put in....NO hires! Alot of them have no choice but to move back home (not that there's anything wrong with that because I live at home) and struggle just like the rest of us. Even with all their diploma's and degrees.
So getting back to what I stated back in the beginning. Does a good education or having no experience really help? I wonder. That's why so many of us, I'm sure, give up the whole job hunting process and become self employed. It may start out slow at first, but if they stick with it...they can actually earn a good living. It's better that way, I think, and we're alot happier with it. Hell, I know I am!