Is This Hell Hot Enough for Lucifer?

Everyone knows this powerful being as Satan or the Devil.
Hello, he has a name and it is Lucifer; meaning Angel of Light.
When I first heard they were making a t.v. show, I was excited to see how they'd bring this being to the screen because it's never really been done. Yeah sure, they depict him in movies as the evil, manipulating devil which he is, won't deny that, but is he really that bad?
Everything I'm writing here is just my opinion.
He was cast out of Heaven because he went against God for creating mankind. Let's face it, we're a race that's nothing to be proud of. We've made mistakes over and over and still haven't learned our lesson. So, Lucifer tried making God realize his mistake and was thrown out of Heaven for it and condemned to an eternity in Hell, becoming what everyone knows him as...the devil. Satan. The horned demon. Blah-blah-blah.
Now, onto my review.
As I said above, I was excited for this show.
They cast a gorgeous lead actor for the role who brings the character of Lucifer to life with his charm and sex appeal. And a whole lot of it, too. I, wow! The first season of the show, was tolerable. I watched it, giving it a chance and I liked it. But there were so many things that bothered me about it. For starters, they wrote Lucifer as this being that leaves Hell, only to come to Earth (another Hell), driving a fancy car because he grew tired of ruling Hell so he came to L.A...the land of sinful deeds and bad souls.
Okay, sure. I can see that. L.A is a good place to gather corrupt souls.
But then, he gets involved with the police force and follows a Detective Decker (who for some reason doesn't fall for his charm and seductive ways, which leaves a big blank as to why. Why doesn't she? What is she?) around like a puppy dog, trying to solve murders and crimes. Seriously? Why would he care about who killed who?
They way they've written him, is...uh-uh, not good at all what-so-ever. Since when does he succumb to the weaknesses of mankind? Isn't that why he rebelled against God!? Yes! Yes it is! Another thing, he never shows his true strength and self. Okay, sure...he threw people around with some strength and flashed his red eyes; even got a glimpse of his scraggly wings that were cut off, but that's nothing.
Lucifer is this powerful warrior angel for God sake and I think they need to bring that element to the character, if they want him more intriguing and mesmerizing. Instead, he's a nightclub owner and singer. Seriously? Writers, come on. That's not how he'd want to be portrayed. Not at all! I guess in the story, the writers are trying to say that he's seeking redemption from God but at the same time, why would God listen to him, if he doesn't listen to mankind?
Putting together any character and cops to create a storyline is boring because it's been done, how many times now? At least a dozen.
Tom Ellis has done an excellent job bringing the character to life, with his sexy persona, voice and dark eyes, but there needs to be more.
However, season 2 is a different story. Same storyline, but with a twist. Devil following cop, solving murders as Mommy Dearest escaped Hell, while trying to figure out what body she took over? Why does this feel like a theme from Body Snatchers? You know, jumping from body-to-body. When I heard the news that Lucifer's mother was going to come into the picture, I was curious. But watching the season 2 premier and upcoming scenes for the following episodes, they left me like...bleh. Oh, boy.
Lucifer's mother coming to Earth, living the life, corrupting souls and taking names. Sadly, I will not be tuning in for there's nothing new and exciting.
I wish all the actors of the show the best of luck I really do, for they're all successful in their careers.
Writers, bring the devil to life with better concepts.
However, my rating for season 1: 3 ⭐⭐⭐
Season 2 rating: a sad 2 ⭐⭐