Expand Your Mind and Defy Gravity with Marvel's Doctor Strange

I love Benedict Cumberbatch! He's an amazing actor with such amazing talent, but in my honest opinion as a fan and reviewer, this wasn't much of a challenge for his talent.
The movie started out, with a battle between hooded warriors known as the "enclave" (Avatar wannabe's) defying gravity with a whole Leo DiCaprio's INCEPTION concept which made me feel as if I were on a roller-coaster, or in some sort of a Twilight zone state of being. Before anything could be explained as to who they were or what they were doing, one of them jumped through a magical wormhole or gateway to God only knows where. And that was after altering the Earth's gravitational pull; landscaping and streets folding within one another.
But then, the film immediately focused on Benedict's characters life, Doctor Strange; introducing this self obsessed and arrogant Doctor with gifted hands and medical talent. At least until he lost his hands in a car accident, ruining the nerves in his hands to the point where he can no longer perform his duties as Dr. Strange.
Leaving his life behind, he traveled to Nepal I believe, where he discovered a way to heal his hands and introduced to the enclave. Once accepted into their sanctuary of Monk-like-warriors, he learned the powers and skills of their Order.
The concept of the film I take it, is to open your mind and that anything is possible. That I believe because it is possible if you focus hard enough. And this leads to my next opinion. The special effects were cool but the whole...open your mind and explore trip, hurt my mind (not to mention my eyes) seeing all the crazy and wild psychedelic expansions of consciousness movements.
The use of hand movements, magic and fighting sequences were awesome and wonderfully put together. The amount of humor in the dialogue was somewhat humorous but could've been executed a bit better; said with more feeling and personality.
Although, the film jumped from one thing to another; a jumbled mess of constant action, confusing the viewer as to what's occurring.
Benedict Cumberbatch brought his all game to the film and I give him kudos but as I said in the beginning of this review, it didn't do his acting talent any justice.
MARVEL movies DO NOT disappoint with their films and the amount of action, but this certainly wasn't my favorite but I gave it a chance. It would've deserved a 5 star rating, but they really should've toned down some of the over-indulgent action.
Overall rating for MARVEL'S DOCTOR STRANGE, is a fair 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐