Star Wars...A New Generation?

The force awakened indeed and I was surprised.
This was a lot better than I thought it would be. I as everyone around the world, are STAR WARS fans and this was fun and entertaining , as J.J. ABRAHAMS brought to life the new era of the Jedi order.
I loved watching the original cast make their screen presences known again, for Star Wars wouldn't be the same without them.
However, I was extremely annoyed with the new characters of Rey, Finn and this new Sith Lord wannabe Kylo Ren, for I felt they were introduced too soon. But, I do understand they had to be for the first series of this new era.
I missed Chewbacca and his hilarious noises and cute face, for he reminds me so much of my own little Wookie, as shown below. See any resemblance?
Chewbacca, meet CC-Poochacca: carried away with Wookies.
Now, I enjoyed seeing Harrison Ford as Han Solo; Mark Hammil as Luke Skywalker and Carrie Fischer as General Leia reprise their roles and I was shocked when Ford's beloved sarcastic character was killed off.
OMG, Star Wars won't be the same now, but with the obvious survival of his son Kylo Ren, that will lead to another inter-galactic war in the upcoming films.
I do though, hope they don't drag out the franchise with too many additional installments because then that will definitely ruin the originality of the previous Star Wars films.
As I said, I loved seeing Chewie but most of all...I absolutely loved the new droid BB8. I want one! That cute little droid had more personality than the acting, sorry to say.
Anyway, my rating is a fun 4 ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
BB8 seems pleased with the review, giving a thumbs up.

May the force be with you!