Once Upon A Time, in Season 6....
As always, Once Upon A Time didn't disappoint, creating a new season with newer characters and story plot, with plenty of twists and turns.

Season six revolves around a few new characters and an original one that's been absent for quite some time now.
First character: the Evil Queen portrayed by the talented Lana Parrilla returns, taking her place in Storybrooke, trying to rule it as her own. Good to see her back because the show wasn't the same without her. I mean, come on...everyone has to love the Evil Queen for she's such a strong-spellcasting-badass character with the most AMAZING wardrobe, that I'd love to possess.
Gorgeous and incredible costume designers!
Now, not only does S6 focus on the E.Q, but we're also introduced to the characters of Jasmine (Karen David), Aladdin (Deniz Akdeniz) and Jafar (Oded Fehr) who were all among my least favorite characters. Deniz Akdeniz didn't have that...Aladdin appeal. Not at all. He presented NO charisma on screen or presented exciting acting talent. Sorry.
Karen David (Jasmine) was, eh...okay I guess but Oded Fehr was absolutely PERFECT! He looked and portrayed the character nicely. However, their story line had NO relation to the season. Poorly executed, writers.
Now, I was glad that they shone the spotlight on Belle and Rumple's relationship; bringing out his dark side once again and giving Belle a backbone.
Robert Carlyle PERFECTLY brings Rumple/the Dark One to life with his magnificent talent, and I'm pleased with his shorter do. Adds more appeal and elegance to his character.
Emilie de Ravin brings sweet and gentle hearted Belle to life as well.
There's so much more to come with newer characters such as the Black Fairy and Belle and Rumple's son, appearing in Storybrooke.
And there's just one other little thing that bothers me. The lack of affection between Swan and Hook. After all they've been through, the least they can do is show their love for one another. Saying the words (which they barely even do) isn't enough sometimes. I mean, my God Swan...look at your man!
You have that gorgeous pirate, Killian Jones who needs some serious loving! If you don't want him, I'll gladly take him in a heart beat. Tall, dark and gorgeous bad boy-turned good; rocking that leather jacket. Mm-mm. But I would like to see him in his gorgeous leather pirate outfit again. That's more Hook.
Sorry. Where was I? Oh, right.
But it's very obvious that these two actors don't have much chemistry off set, for it shows in their eyes. I've seen this all too many times on screen.
Toward the end leading to the Winter finale, as I said above, newer characters reveal themselves, leaving everyone wondering what kind of mayhem and chaos they'll bring next season.
And I can't wait because each season gets darker and more intriguing and I love it!
The cast is FAN-freaking-TASTIC!
My rating of ONCE UPON A TIME S6 is a spellbinding 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Who knows who'll wind up in Storybrooke next?