Truth or "Dare" Went Wrong with Netflix's DareDevil...
First off and foremost...I liked the movie a whole lot better, even though I hear it wasn't a success. Ben Affleck's portrayal was a little flat sure, and maybe a little boring but the concept and character was definitely a lot better. Elektra too, was better but I'll get into that later on in the post.

Netflix's rendition of Daredevil, started out with the classic story; 2 lawyer best friends branching out, trying to find their own law office space and Matt Murdock taking on his nightly persona...the Daredevil, but dressed in nothing but a black shirt, pants and scarf as a makeshift mask.
Let's fast-forward past the main story plot.
This Daredevil portrayed by the baby faced Charlie Cox is, and I'm sorry to say, the worse choice, as he's such a weak ass character. Yeah, sure...he fights, but there's more than putting on a mask and suit, and showing off some fancy parkour moves. He's such a whimpy-goodie-2-shoes-Catholic.
If you're a warrior and taking on this high level of responsibility, then you need to think, feel and fight like one! Not trying to be that...Catholic school boy in the process; knocking the enemy unconscious, only to come back and try again. And again. And again. Sorry. If you're fighting for your life, you don't hesitate to defend yourself with whatever weapon you have handy; even if it's your fists. Which he uses, but...THAT'S NOT ENOUGH! They're coming at him with knives, guns, arrows and fancy bladed chain-looking thing; obviously trying to kill him, but all he does is knock them out!?
And why? All because of his religious beliefs and that he's afraid of taking a life!? Sorry, but you can't turn the other cheek on that one!
And besides, if I have my history facts right, it's the Roman Catholics that KILLED and CRUCIFIED Jesus. Am I right? Yes! They killed. So, trying to follow your beliefs is total bullshit! True, you don't deliberately go out and kill, but if you're attacked and fighting for your life as I said before, that's an entirely different story. And something (among many other things) that gets me too, is that he keeps quoting that everything he does, doesn't help anyone anyway. Of course not!
Then, he contradicts himself so many times that I've lost count, saying that he agrees with taking a life if necessary but then he doesn't do it. He chickens out at the very last minute. Sigh.
Now, with Elektra? I didn't like her the moment I heard her voice. I know she can't help it, but the actress's accent is annoying and what the hell is up with all these female characters being this...street tough-know-it-all-bitches that think they're ALL that!? Sure, Martial Arts is beautiful but you can still be feminine about it in the process. Also too, this character is made to look like a psycho-slutty-trouble maker. Is that the character that's written in the comics? If so, they certainly portray that in the 2005 film adaptation. Now, that version I like! Plus, they cast the talents Jennifer Garner who was an excellent fighter and 100% feminine in the process.
The acting and cast of this Netflix series, is alright but the fighting sequences suck! Nothing but the same old twists, turns and flips. When you're fighting, you change it up instead of sticking to a certain pattern. That's when you're vulnerable and predictable.
Anyway, season 2 ended with a huge cliffhanger as Elektra laid dead in some...stone coffin with fancy Japanese lettering that the creators think everyone and anyone can read. Not me! All I'll say is that in season 3 (if there will be one) I hope they amp up the story, give Daredevil some better fighting techniques and definitely make him grow a pair. Also, reveal things as to what the hell this...Black-Sky myth is. What is it?
But I do have to say one thing positive, though...I like this new Daredevil's outfit a lot better.
My rating of NETFLIX'S DAREDEVIL is a fair 3 and a half stars!