The Moon Has Brought Out Too Much Crazy!
The title above pretty much sums this review!

I don't even know where to begin on this series, except to say "WTF!?" All I can and will say, is described in the emoji shown below:

Plain. And. Simple.
Sorry, guys. Love the cast and the acting is great, but that's about it.
Thank God this is the last season of this jumbled mess with a title that shouldn't even be Teen-Wolf anymore. Some alphas and werewolves. They're not even considered as such. They're just men with cases of Wolfman syndrome. A werewolf in my opinion, is an individual that can actually shape shift into a wolf.
And what the hell is up with all of these characters that have NO relation to werewolves? Were-coyotes and were-jaguars. WTF!? And another thing too...after 6 seasons, they're still attending...wait for it...high school!? I feel as if they got the inspiration for the long high school years from P.L.L (Pretty Little Liars)
I mean, four years of it is enough for me, but 6 seasons of it!?

Anyway, my rating of MTV's TEEN WOLF is a confused 1 ⭐, and that's the lowest rating I've given.