Who's Your Mummy?

First off…Tom Cruise has never been my favorite actor because he always picks the same old roles with nothing exciting or different. Mission Impossible type films, really. But his newest film, THE MUMMY 2017 in my book, was an absolute drag! I mean, literally as it sort of dragged on with unnecessary humor that didn’t need to be in certain scenes. But what gets me most about this film other than Tom C in mummy version of M.I., were these few things.
1: Dr, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Seriously? Okay, the Mummy’s one thing and the Templar are another but really Hollywood? That dynamic duo?
2: I wonder if they borrowed the Sorcerer’s stone from Harry Potter because it sure looked like they did. It had the same concept, really. Bringing someone to life after death, blah-blah-blah.
3: It’s amazing how the Mummy’s wraps were all in the right places because I doubt they wrapped her that way. As far as I know…they wrapped the mummy’s feet together. Not separately! But, oh well.
4: The ancient Egyptian language didn’t sound Egyptian at all. At least in The Mummy films with Brendan Fraser pronounced the dialect beautifully and made the history feel real. This, didn’t do that at all whatsoever! If anything, it sounded more like latin or something.
And 5: I missed Brendan Fraser’s witty sarcasm! Tom Cruise is too serious and never, EVER changes his expressions or smiles. I know he’s afraid to smile because that would mess up his many plastic surgery jobs, but at least crack a grin. Even if it’s for a second or two. And also too, a nude Tom C was ugh…not so pleasant on the eyes from what we could see, anyway. BORING!
In the end, this take on The Mummy deserve a blunt 3 and half stars!
If this continues into a franchise, oh boy. I wonder what characters they’ll put in those films next?
Frankenstein vs Dracula? Oh, wait…didn’t we have a version of that already? Like, in Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman? I’m just saying. Or better yet too…the Mummy vs both Frank and Drak! Oh, now that would be something! And throw in a little Hobbit or two while you’re at it. Now THAT…would be interesting and maybe worth watching!
Anyway….my reaction to the film is like this emoji below:

My rating of 2017's THE MUMMY is a blunt 3 ⭐⭐⭐
Sorry, Tom...maybe next time. If there is one!