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Jane the Unvirtuous!

Okay, here it goes. I know I'm going to get bashed for this but I really don't care. First off, I gave good reviews on this series because in the beginning it was cute, funny and about a Latina family and for me, it was nice to see for a change, instead of skinny blonde white girls. But now, this new season has brought Jane's character to a whole new chapter. There was always that little thing about Jane though, that bothered me. She's always trying to be a goodie-2 shoes-I'm always right-open minded person with unrealistic views half of the time. But now, this whole situation with her new BF Adam (Tyler Posey) is ridiculous. It's bad enough that Rafael's sister is gay and it's even worse when they have to show it (which I don't think is necessary) but now they're making it a point in the show, that being gay or bisexual is okay and accepted by everyone! Well, guess isn't! I'd be angry, upset and jealous if my BF stared at other women but at least they're women! Not men! How is this normal!? And acceptable!? I swear, women or men who accept that are just so desperate to have someone in their lives, that they don't care. Just as long as they're the only man or woman in their lives. This series now, is exploring that part of this messed up world and if they show Jane turning gay and exploring that part of herself, I'm never watching this series again. It's bad enough too, that they attempted that scenario when she was staring at her best friend in the bathroom. This world and especially TV, are taking the persona of a strong independent woman, and making them gay! Why!? If no one likes my comment, then don't read it!!!! This is my review and it stands. And oh, btw too...someone needs to slap Mateo across his little spoiled, rotten whiny little ass and teach him some manners and respect! Her character's a terrible mother with no discipline! Saying, no don't that isn't enough! I see it more and more today, kids acting that way in public especially in the supermarkets which makes me glad that I don't want kids of my own!

And the image I used is obviously photo-shopped because Gina's really not that thin!

I have no rating because this isn't a review per se, but just an opinion.

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