Where's the "Justice" in Justice League 2017?

I haven't posted a most recent review lately, so let's get back into doing so, with my review of 2017's Justice League.
I've heard and read all the negative reviews about this film, and although I didn't think it was THAT bad, it was quite boring nonetheless. I'm going to make a list of things I found wrong or boring, so work with me.
#1: As always the case in most action packed movies, the scenes jumped from one-to-the-next, which is a HUGE pet-peeve of mine. Just when I figured out what was taking place, it jumped to something else, leaving a big blank...with loads of question marks behind.
#2: Too much happened in this film; all jammed together to fit the time frame. Too many big scenarios that had no fill-ins to fully piece the film together or explain anything. I understand that movies and director's cuts have to be taken to fully utilize the time slot they're given, but you know, I've found MANY times over, that this is a big mistake. Why? Because so much that should be explained is deleted leaving those big gaps in the story. Believe me, I've watched the movies with the deleted scenes and so much is explained. Take the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films, for instance. Why don't they just leave them in the films? That would help tremendously.
#3: Does everyone in this movie have flying capabilities? I mean, everyone!? Wonder Woman jumps from point A to point B. Okay, she has superpowers. Batman uses his fancy state-of-the-art gadgets, which everyone already knows. Aquaman suddenly soars through the air as if he was air surfing, with a 5 prong Trident? I thought he was an Atlantian? Okay. The Iron Man wannabe used his rocket boosters and of course The Flash practically zipped through the air in a bolt of lightening. Then, there's the reappearance of Superman with his iconic red cape. And oh, not to mention those robotic Mansquito creatures. Creepy. Hate to be stung or eaten by one of those! Quick, get the Raid or a can of OFF spray!
#4: Ugh, the fight scenes weren't anything spectacular. Typical; always the same fist punching-gun shooting-rocket blasting nonsense. I was disappointed in WW because I wanted to see more of the warrior not just some high-jumping, costume clad woman. Bleh! And I was bored watching her slam her gauntlets together which was way overdone. Did that mostly throughout the film.
#5: There was absolutely NO personality in the acting, especially on Ben Affleck's part. Come on man...crack a smile or something. Why so serious? Ezra Miller was the only one who made the film enjoyable to watch as he brought his personality to his version of Barry Allen. Cute and witty. But that's it and of course, Aquaman's occasional sarcasm, which would've been nice to see more of his character, as well as Momoa's acting.
#6: So, who exactly was that God wielding that AWESOME looking axe!? Sure, WW explained who he was, but not in his entirety. They just threw the flashbacks into the film, as if everyone would know who he was and they weren't that explanatory to begin with. But still the same, it would've been nice to see more of him and the REAL explanation into those...boxes, that did what...exactly!? Meld together and what!? That wasn't perfectly explained. And where did this God come from? Was he banished into another realm...portal...what!? And who opened those weird looking portals that he used and am I correct, in hearing that he called those weird boxes...Mother!? Say what, now!? Okay. My mother's the wall to my right, so...
#7: Now, this might sound insensitive but what the hell happened to Henry Cavill's face in this film? He didn't look the same or like himself at all. And he's gorgeous! It appeared as if they digitally planted his face on someone else using their body. I know he practices Martial Arts in real life and I'm sorry Henry, but it looked as if you were punched in the nose and there wasn't enough time for the swelling to go down. I'm sorry, Henry. But all-in-all, it was pretty nice seeing him shirtless. Phew. Still gorgeous, like I said.
But overall, I rate JUSTICE LEAGUE a dull 3 ⭐⭐⭐ for I really couldn't find anything I TRULY liked.
Except for the costuming which was adequate. Especially Aquaman's! Very Atlantian! And Batman's secret weapon cave-place was pretty cool too, having all of those Asian weapons and armor.