"THOR: RAGNAROK" Rocked Marvel's Universe

First and foremost, this films title stands out! Ragnarok is a time of destruction and that’s what this film brought to life!
Now, let me begin my review of the 3rd installment of the THOR films, which I honestly don’t know how to put into words but all I can really say is that it was…FANTASTIC! AWESOME! ACTION PACKED! AND MIND BLOWING all the way down the board.
The acting from every single actor in this film was once again, fantastic! Everyone had their equal share of screen time; no more than the other.
The story was out of this world (literally) and kudos to Stan Lee for amazing writing and imagination. Everything about the film made sense, and as it jumped from scene to-the-next, it all blended perfectly together and didn’t leave me with blanks or questions. You could figure out everything that happened from beginning to end!
The humor was my favorite part because every actor brought their own level of humor and personality into their role. Once again, Thor’s arrogance and sarcasm just made me smile but God damn…poor God of Thunder was put through a lot of shit in this film! But finally found his true calling at the end. But the hair? Did they really have to touch the hair? But still, Thor’s (Chris H.) gorgeous nonetheless! And was is just me or did Thor act like a big baby in this film? He complained a lot and pouted like a spoiled child, which only adds more to Thor. I swear, each time I see Chris reprise his role of Thor, he gets more God-like. Phew, is it me or did it just get in here?
Loki’s humor too (Tom Hiddleston) was fun and mischievous and you couldn’t quite make out if he was on Thor’s side or not (as always) which made it fun too. Loved the part where he watched Thor getting his ass thrown around by Hulk and shouted out, if Thor liked how it felt! Hahaha, Loki you bad God! And poor Loki when he was trapped in that void Dr. Strange placed him in. Falling for 30 minutes? Geez, I hate falling once but 30 minutes of it!? I enjoyed the love-hate-love relationship between Thor and Loki. They're just too proud to admit they love each other like brothers.
This Valkerie warrior (Tessa Thompson) was also intriguing and whoever created her fight scenes, are amazing because the actress brought those moves to life with femininity and strength without being masculine or the opposite…a Clary from ShadowHunters. Won’t go there. It was good that they showed a little bit of her past through the memories Loki made her see but it would’ve been nice to have seen more of that! Especially the Pegasus horses! They were beautiful just from what was shown. Maybe, there could be a separate film series about Azgard’s Valkeries! That would be awesome and I’d definitely go to theaters to watch that!
Cate Blanchett was OMG, badass! For a moment, I didn’t recognize her but then when she started bringing her fantastic talent to life, I felt her character! She was actually my favorite because she saw and knew how Odin really was, hiding the truth from everyone and she wanted to reveal it. But unfortunately, she wanted to conquer and destroy everything so she wasn’t my favorite on that part. She had some serious grudges and skeletons in her closet (pun intended) Oh, I loved her giant wolf! I want one! Okay, maybe not. I don’t think our Management would allow that. But hey, Mommy…there’s a service dog for you!
The Hulk, poor thing. That’s all I can say. So I guess he can never turn human again since he changed back into Hulk toward the end of the film. But it was humorous when Banner jumped out of the plane and landed face first on the Azgard bridge in front of the wolf. The thud he made was just too hilarious.
It was good to see Jeff Goldblum on screen again since he hasn’t been seen lately, adding his humorous personality and smartass-wise cracks!
Karl Urban I didn’t recognize either! It was nice to see him portray a warrior once again or for any part, for that matter. And if I wasn’t mistaken, did I hear his natural Australian accent? Don’t hear it often. Nice speaking voice just the same and great acting!
The digital FX were just absolutely fabulous and I give kudos to all the technicians involved in creating the world of Thor: Ragnarok.
On the other hand, it was such a shame though, to watch the beautiful world of Azgard get destroyed and blown to nothing but dust, after centuries of being. But hey, everything must come to an end I guess. And it’s true, what Odin told Thor. It’s not the place that made Azgard, it’s their people.
Overall, my rating for THOR: RAGNAROK is an out-of-this-world 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐! I wish I could give more, but sadly the rating chart only goes up to the 5 stars. But hey, I’ll push that limit and give this film a 10 because that’s what it deserves!
Great job, everyone!
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