On The Edge Of An Unknown Realm, There Was “The Outpost” ???

Cast: Jessica Green, Jake Stormoen, Imogen Waterhouse, Andrew Howard, Robyn Malcolm, Anand Desai-Barochia, Philip Brodie, Kevin McNally and Michael Flynn
Synopsis: Talon is a survivor. The last of the Blackblood race, she also endured the destruction of her entire village by a gang of brutal missionaries. Years after that life-defining attack, she travels to a lawless fortress along the edge of the civilized world, tracking the individuals who killed her family. As she makes the journey, she discovers that she possesses a mysterious supernatural power that she must now learn to control, not only to save herself but to defend the world against the tyranny of a fanatical religious dictator.
My Review: First of all, the synopsis of this series, does NOT give insight into anything about the new CW series, other than it’s about a young woman seeking revenge. As any fantasy lover out there, this series caught my eye at first for it was about a young woman warrior in a fantasy setting. Oh, boy…fantasy isn’t the word. High school production, suits this series a lot more, if one were to ask. From beginning to end of each episode, there are more questions left behind than answers resolved. The series just starts out with Talon, the young woman hell bent on revenge for the slaughter of her entire village, the Blackbloods with pointed and split ears. I don’t know if they were elves, dwarves, fairies or any other kind of magical being out there, but that was NEVER revealed at all whatsoever.
The series follows Talon as she’s led to The Outpost; an out-of-the-way hide away for all sorts of shady characters. Not to mention on the cusp of Grayskin and Plagueling territory. First of all, Plaguelings? I still can’t process that. The Plaguelings are nothing more than humans with blistered faces that could use a strong dose of ProActive and stingers that come form their mouths. Oh, please…how many times has that been done before? If anything, I think they borrowed the stingers from The Strain. Or at least the concept, anyway. But as the typical story goes, if you get stung, you turn into one of them. Yawn, boring! The grayskins were never showed so you don’t know what they look like other than, I’m guessing, they have gray skin? I don’t know. I wasn’t left with much of an impression to the creatures. But, once Talon arrives at The Outpost after being saved by a knight in shining armor (literally) riding a white horse (literally) the sad and pathetic flirtatious attempts begin between Talon and the knight; Garrett Spears. How original is the name though? After trying to settle in and meeting Garrett’s annoying girlfriend, shit starts hitting the fan once Talon brings her drama through The Outposts’ “very weak” gates.
Talon’s fighting skills are sad, they really are, because they’re nothing awe struck or impressive. She fights more masculine than a man and has no femininity about her character. The actress’ acting, I’m sorry and not fault to her, is horribly boring. I like watching an actor and actress bring their character to life with their expressions or personality. Sadly, there’s none of that present. Garrett of course, finds Talon somewhat attractive which I can’t see, but there’s one thing about his character that’s 100% pathetic. He has to fight, or excuse me, spar with a woman that’s not that great a warrior, in order to feel masculine? Seriously? And in the most recent 4th episode, you finally get to see Garrett fight (oops, I meant spar). Sigh, nothing exciting about his character either, other than he’s cute and looks good without a shirt. Sure, I’ll give him that. And as far as Janzo!? He’s one sick ass freak, sorry to say. I don’t know what his deal is, really other than he’s a brewer and alchemist that walks around, eating bird shit and keeping dead Plaguelings in his basement. Eww. Janzo, get a life man! The actor however, portrays his character really well, I’ll give him that.
Now, let’s get onto this demon that Talon summoned with a glowing freckle on her face. Wait, what was that I said? A glowing freckle? Yup. One that disappears too, obviously. A 12-15 foot demon that has horns and a long tail with a fork on the end, roams around The Outpost and NO ONE seems to see it!? Like, I don’t know, ever!? How could someone not see something like that roaming around!? Hello!? Does it cloak itself or something! And the CGI...sucks! I've seen better!
Three other things, as well. First…what’s with everyone being hooked on that green powder? Is that the unknown realm’s meth? Obviously for it does something to the characters to who take it and the whole Madam of the pub lady looking for the supplier of that magical meth, is boring too because it’s in every episode. What does that have to do with the story at all? Second…who the hell is this white haired guy with the Samurai bun? Hmm, wasn’t explained either. Perhaps the one she’s looking for and who slaughtered her village? Don’t know. And third…how many times is Talon going to get stabbed!? Gee, give it up already. Just kill her! Quit making her super woman that heals like a vampire! And I'm just waiting for the LOTR Aragorn wannabe (siting in the shadows, wearing a hood, smoking a pipe and waiting around in a tavern) to come along and save her...again.
For The CW that has so many amazing series, I’m very surprised this is even airing on that network. This belongs on the SyFy channel where all the low budget series seem to air and from what I know, it’s airing on that channel. Good! Stay there! I was in contact with one of the actors whom I thank for reaching out and although I promised to give this series a chance, I just can’t, no matter what happens or all the hype this series gets by promo tweets, it just doesn’t do anything for me.
And for The Outpost to be compared to Xena: Warrior Princess…is an insult to that classic series. I grew up watching up Xena since the age of 3, wanting to be a warrior like her and I love that show! I have the entire series on dvd and I don’t care who disagrees with me on this, there’s no comparison at all! Xena is a classic female warrior with strength, independence, femininity and is a heterosexual character (despite the wants of the LGBT community)
Anyway, I could go on and on which would take forever but I will no longer waste my time. This series looks as if though, it was just thrown onto the screen before any editing was done to it, polishing it up for viewers. And oh, one more thing too…the Pirates of the Caribbean theme music they play for the not-so-exciting fight scenes is sad too because this series has no originality, that it has to steal similar concepts and music.
My rating for The Cw’s “The Outpost” is a FINAL boring and incomplete 1 ⭐
Enough said! Except…that I do know that the Hollywood Reporter, after the 1st episode, gave a harsh and terrible review and that was just the first episode. So, there goes my theory and if anyone thinks my words come off harsh or insulting, I’m honest and maybe a little sarcastic, but I do speak the truth without bashing or put downs. I do wish all the actors the best of luck in their future acting endeavors!