The Punisher...the Immortal!?

Cast: Ben Barnes, Jon Bernthal, Amber Rose Revah, Jason R Moore, Floriana Lima, Giorgia Whigham and Josh Stewart
Synopsis: Unavailable
My Review: Ben Barnes and Jon Bernthal return as Billy Russo/Jigsaw and Frank Castle/The Punisher in season 2 on Netflix.
Season 2 certainly didn’t disappoint, continuing with its action, gun fights and plenty of well choreographed fight scenes. As the new season begins, Frank finds himself caught in the middle of another war when he meets Amy; a teen in trouble and hunted down for blackmail. While running around with her through New York, he begins his war on two fronts when Billy Russo (Ben B) escapes from the hospital; memory scrambled like a puzzle. Hence the name Jigsaw (other than the scars on his face).
This series contains never ending action and shootouts in neighborhoods or apartment buildings that always seem to be empty during the gun fights. Are they all abandoned or under construction? To me, that was unrealistic and not well thought out during the concept creation.
The acting was 100% superb from all of the actors involved, especially on Ben Barnes’ part for he brought the darker side of his character to life with such strength and clarity-it was just absolutely perfect! His acting was amazing and he had such control of his accent, that you never would’ve thought he’s English! Great job, Ben-great job! And although his character was a maniac, I hated seeing him thrown into the dumpster like garbage; helpless and shot to pieces. I didn’t like seeing Ben in the trash! He’s too handsome for that! ;)
And although he was written into the story, it would’ve been better to have introduced the Preacher character a little better that way viewers could follow his journey. He just showed up killing people in the preacher’s getup and praising God. That was a little boring. Great acting from Josh Stewart though and even though he was a villain, he still loved someone…his wife.
These cops are lazy. Where are they during the shootouts and do the bodies Frank leave behind ever get found or what!? Some were-some weren’t.
However, there were negative aspects of this series that effected me emotionally. I’m an avid horror fan and have seen lots of gory scenes that made me look away, but the constant face punching and skull crushing was too much. I couldn’t sleep that night after the season ended. I know Frank’s a brute (Jon portraying that 100%) but in almost every scene, he threw himself into unnecessary fights, always winding up covered in blood; whether it’s his own or that of someone else. And that vest!? How much more could it take!? But the better question here is, is Frank Castle immortal!? He’s been shot and stabbed over and over; how can anyone survive all of that!? A soldier or individual is lucky enough to survive just one stab wound or gun shot, but he’s ridiculous! He has infinite lives! As does everyone else in this series so it seems (the Doctor being thrown out the window, The DHS cop was strangled, Billy had his face bashed to pieces and of course Frank)
I just wish though, season 2 continued where season 1 left off, because I grew confused of the time jump between then and now. But putting all of this aside, by the season 2 finale, it’s hard to say if The Punisher will return for season 3, especially now that Frank’s past has been wiped clean (for now) so what’s next for him, really?
I loved the dedication to Stan Lee in the closing credits and without him, this series if continued, won’t be the same; the Marvel universe won’t be the same.
In the end, I rate THE PUNISHER an action packed 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
#ThePunisher #Netflix #FrankCastle #JonBernthal #BenBarnes #actionpacked #gunfights #jigsaw #Marvel #StanLee #myreview #reviewers