SEEing...Is Believing

Cast: Jason Momoa, Alfre Woodard, Nesta Cooper, Archie Madekwe, Hera Hilmarsdóttir, Yadira Guevara-Prip, Sylvia Hoeks and Christian Camargo
Synopsis: In a future where humankind has lost the ability to see and is forced to interact in new ways, a set of twins with sight is born, challenging the status quo.
My Review: Apple TV's new sci-fi drama series featuring Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones and Aquaman) is intriguing to say the least; individuals surviving without sight in a changed world proves to be far more dangerous than expected. With this sci-fi dystopian genre for films/series, unfortunately, they're all the same. Tribes/clans living peacefully over here, while evil tyrants wanting to rule for power are over there. "SEE" falls into that cliche` but is visually entertaining nonetheless and by visually entertaining, I mean the vast gorgeous scenery of the Canadian forestry.
Gorgeous country/region.
The acting (and cast with veteran actress Alfre Woodard) is great especially from Jason who never disappoints, particularly with roles like this (more or less tribal in nature) bringing out his powerful Samoan roots. However, I'll be waiting for the visually gifted twins to run off/escape into the vast forestry where they embark on a journey to find a haven/sanctuary for people who can SEE? A city perhaps, where they have a twist of Hunger Games/Maze Runner themes? And all while searching for their bio father, papa Jerlawhatever.
The character names were difficult to understand when spoken (even with subtitles) and not to mention the theme. Is this happening all over the world or just that region? Because papa Jerlawhatever must have come from somewhere; just saying. I admire/support Jason Momoa in the highest regard, but sorry Jason...can't call this my favorite but congratulations to you and all involved!
I rate Apple TV's See an intriguing 4 ⭐